A Volcanic Flow of Creative Lava ~ 07 Oct 2013

This is an exciting week ahead, especially for those who feel inner churning that seeks to bubble out in an uninterruptible stream of creativity. And there are definite astrological patterns to behold. Come Saturday, the two largest bodies in the solar system, the Sun and Jupiter, square off, Libra to Cancer. On Sunday, the Sun moves on to directly align with the planet, Haumea.

On Saturday Jupiter and the Sun engage in an extreme philosophical debate about concepts, validity of concepts, and the viability of concepts, which Pluto in Capricorn would describe as bottom line marketability and probability of profit. Naturally, both of these massive bodies want maximum reach, and both believe they have the perfect idea for extending that reach. And both bodies are used to being right and having full attention directed to their every word. Who will prevail in this shouting, shoving match?

Since the Sun will move on to oppose Eris early next week, I contend he holds the upper hand. In his gracious Libran manner he wants all to be included, which pleases Eris immensely. Everyone in every demographic, whether social, racial, economic, religious or by astrological signsake, needs to be included. Cover the Earth. Reach beyond all limits of bias. And while remaining uncannily polite, the Sun just might accuse Jupiter of preaching to the choir, and maintaining a three-micron wide myopic view of what mainstream means.

Breadth of reach is exceedingly important, given the Sun’s upcoming opposition to Eris. Jupiter gets close to squaring Eris in November, as he stations retrograde. However, June will arrive before that square is realized. While technically in orb to Eris now, it does appear that it has slipped Jupiter’s mind that he appealed to Eris for assistance in righting a political wrong (according to his perception). No matter. The Sun will remind Jupiter again with a square to Eris of his own in January, followed by a conjunction with Eris in April. Maybe Jupiter can observe the Sun’s greatest and most obvious fact: The Sun sheds light everywhere without discrimination.

So the Sun moves onto Haumea. In Hawaiian lore Haumea was the great creator. She bore humans into existence by delivering them from amazing parts of her body. She provided the lush vegetation in the Sandwich Island chain, and with her makalei stick, could draw fish to feed all the people. She is a goddess incarnate who possesses and applies unlimited creativity. With the Sun shedding light on her, what creative internal flow will surface like brilliant rivers of lava?

These transits sound good, though a bit abstract. How can one access this creative portal in the real world?

Two ways. The first, starting Wednesday, Venus from her station in Sagittarius aligns with a series of black holes in early Virgo and Sagittarius for nearly a week. These black holes contain one particular x-ray emanation of extreme importance to the creative process. Intrinsic in this black hole matrix, is a pulse of 283 seconds. X-rays reveal inner structures not readily seen. Symbolically, this pulse requests dedicated attention of four minutes, forty-three seconds applied to any idea at its arrival to fully develop a picture clear enough to reveal the bare bones. Any idea, whether delivered by muse, a wisp of wind, logical deduction or accidental Internet search, deserves 283 seconds of uninterrupted attention. Actually, if you try to hold a thought for almost five minutes, you’ll discover it requires extreme discipline and dedication.

With the unveiling of the full development of all ideas given the Venus/x-ray pulse treatment, the arsenal of inspiration, innovation and invention extends beyond what the original conception may have been able to imagine. With this full plumage, Jupiter can be petitioned. The Sun can be sought for conscious attention and shedding light on the concepts for the collective to perceive. And Haumea ensures her creative bounty is honored, cherished and applied in its highest and fullest manifestation.

The second path of access begins early next week (October 15) as Mars forms a conjunction to the royal star Regulus. The star remains regal though no longer in Leo. It wasn’t all that long ago that it inched into Virgo (now at 0 Virgo 01). Still, the stand-tall essence of Regulus prevails when presenting creative renderings because of simplicity, elegance and precision of content.

Incidentally, Mars will conduct a push on the black hole matrix that Venus engages this week. He will be in most potent action from the 18th through 25th of October. He intends to give the efforts above a decisive push forward. It is almost as if he cuts irrigation ditches for a perfect flow of regenerative lava spewing from Earth’s core.

While some may argue that lava is destructive, its wake when cooled, leaves behind some of the richest soil on the planet... ask Kona coffee drinkers or those who eagerly sample other horticultural offerings from Hawaii. Those applying the transits, and aware of the ultimate result of the creative flow, can chill when needed, heat up when required, and spread the benefit of the creativity surging forward to its fullest extent... and in so doing please the Sun and Jupiter while warming the cockles of Haumea’s heart.

More soon.